b. 1993 Colombia
2016 Bachelors of Fine Arts, U Ottawa
Radchild Productions
Curator / exhibiting artist
<under the name of RADCHUKA>
Winter 2016 WABEE SABEE II - Cafe Alt - Ottawa - Canada
Line Game - Gallery 115 - Ottawa
La Roca Del Peñol - Gallery 115
Fall 2015 Linen - Media Art Gallery - Ottawa
Growing For Tomorrow - Gallery 115
RADCHAMP - Media Art Gallery
Clear Cut - 219 Gallery - Ottawa
Summer 2015 69 on the Nose - GP - Alberta
DSM - Copa Cabana - Colombia
Spring 2015 RAD HOUSE - Ottawa
LS - 200 Wilbroad - Ottawa
Winter 2015 WABEE SABEE I - Cafe Alt - Ottawa
Crystal Underground - RAD WAY - Ottawa
Fall 2014 RADIFICATION - Laurier Social House - Ottawa
Nothing But Blue - Laurier Social House - Ottawa
RAD n Agua - Union Square - NYC - USA
Summer 2014 Good Vibe Tribe - Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto- Canada
Spring 2014 Varnissage - Suites & - Ottawa
Line Game - Gallery 115 - Ottawa
La Roca Del Peñol - Gallery 115
Fall 2015 Linen - Media Art Gallery - Ottawa
Growing For Tomorrow - Gallery 115
RADCHAMP - Media Art Gallery
Clear Cut - 219 Gallery - Ottawa
Summer 2015 69 on the Nose - GP - Alberta
DSM - Copa Cabana - Colombia
Spring 2015 RAD HOUSE - Ottawa
LS - 200 Wilbroad - Ottawa
Winter 2015 WABEE SABEE I - Cafe Alt - Ottawa
Crystal Underground - RAD WAY - Ottawa
Fall 2014 RADIFICATION - Laurier Social House - Ottawa
Nothing But Blue - Laurier Social House - Ottawa
RAD n Agua - Union Square - NYC - USA
Summer 2014 Good Vibe Tribe - Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto- Canada
Spring 2014 Varnissage - Suites & - Ottawa
Group Shows
Spring 2016 RAW Showcase - Ritual - Ottawa
ODE - 100 Laurier East Ave Castle - Ottawa
Winter 2015 Self Collective - Club Saw - Ottawa
Turning Tides - Gallery 115
Fall 2015 Nuit Blanch - Ottawa
Projections - Gallery 115
The Universal Game - U Ottawa-
Babe - Avant Guard - Ottawa
Tomorrow's Grind - Live on Elgin - Ottawa
Spring 2015 Paradigm(e) - The Deans Gallery - Ottawa
The City is a Technology - Ottawa
ART FEST - Queens University - Kingston - Canada
ODE - 100 Laurier East Ave Castle - Ottawa
Winter 2015 Self Collective - Club Saw - Ottawa
Turning Tides - Gallery 115
Fall 2015 Nuit Blanch - Ottawa
Projections - Gallery 115
The Universal Game - U Ottawa-
Babe - Avant Guard - Ottawa
Tomorrow's Grind - Live on Elgin - Ottawa
Spring 2015 Paradigm(e) - The Deans Gallery - Ottawa
The City is a Technology - Ottawa
ART FEST - Queens University - Kingston - Canada
Spring 2016 RAW Featured Artist
ODE Catalog
Winter 2015 The Self Collective Catalog
Turning Tides Catalog
La Retonde Newspaper (Arts and Culture)
Spring 2015 The City is a a Technology - Soancingottawa
Muse Magazine pg 30
Kelowna Art Gallery
U Ottawa's Art Collection
Numerous private collections in Canada, Colombia, USA, Germany
U Ottawa's Art Collection
Numerous private collections in Canada, Colombia, USA, Germany